The class is full of explosive boxing technique in synch with great music. You will get to shake every single muscle of your body, while achieving a great cardio fat burning effect !
| Aero Boxing |
●Class time:Tian Mu Mondays/ Neihu Science Park Branch Wednesdays 12:30-13:30
●Class dates:Tian Mu Branch 12/2、12/9、12/16、12/23、12/30、1/6、1/13、1/20
Nei Hu Science Park Branch 12/4、12/11、12/18、12/25、1/8、1/15、1/22、2/5
●Class fees:$2800/8 classes
●$1000NTD registration fees are required for all new students.
●Set scheduled Classes cannot be made up upon missing class.