TMMA May birthday members:
Have you received your two birthday gift classes?
It’s already mid May, don’t forget head down to
TMMA front desk and get your free classes.
Please show your photo ID upon arriving front desk and start training!
Reminder: gifted classes is limited to be used only at the gym that the classes is issued at.
總 館-台北市大安區仁愛路四段27巷22號B1 (02)8771-9195
天母館-台北市士林區中山北路六段340號 (02)2834-0000
雙和館-新北市中和區中和路356號11樓 (02)8923-7799
內科館-台北市內湖區內湖路一段411巷10-2號 (02)2658-1177